When you need to a life pivot

For those of you who have been keeping track of me on here and Instagram, you probably have noticed several things. One: that I haven’t written a blog post in a ridiculous amount of time. Almost a year in fact. I needed to take a break and get my life in order on a work and personal level. If you have ever heard of the phrase that you need to put on your oxygen mask first on an airplane prior to helping others, the past year has definitely been that. I haven’t been feeling motivated on writing any blog posts or doing much creative things in general. Two: that my Instagram handle has recently changed to @spitfireandstarlightfarmhouse. In the past couple of months, I’ve been working on creating what I want in life and doing a life audit essentially of if anything is out of alignment of who I am.

Growing in a new direction

Growing in a new direction

During one of my morning meditation (If you haven’t tried Hal Elrod’s Miracle Morning process, you need to. It will change your life!), I was thinking about getting refocused back on my blog after doing the most recent HAVEN conference and what I needed to do to just make it happen and be consistent. I had the thought of “Why don’t I rebrand to what makes me happy on a soulful level and that is more me than anything else?” For those who know me best know that I am happiest away from it all, tending to my farm pets and just slowing down. After that I decided to sleep on it for a few days and see if I still felt the same way and if so; just make it happen so here we are.

After that decision was made, I started getting all types of inspiration from everywhere and project ideas that I am excited about doing. I knew once that happened that I made the right decision in pivoting direction and not force something that isn’t working that subconsciously I realized was not the best fit for me. 

Has there ever been a time when you’ve needed to change something big? If so either comment below or reach out to hello@spitfireandstarlight.com.

Until next time friends!


October 2020 Affirmations

October 2020 Affirmations

How to feel more glamorous when you're sick on a budget

How to feel more glamorous when you're sick on a budget