Flammenkuchen Recipe

Flammenkuchen Recipe

Flammenkuchen - Ready to eat

Flammenkuchen - Ready to eat

Hello loves!

I got several requests after posting a picture of flammenkuchen on Instagram to provide the yummy recipe that I made about a week or so ago. I was in the mood to make something easy; but a bit unique that I hadn’t in a while. This was the first time I made it - usually I am the person drinking a beer or wine while watching my cowboy make it for me; but I was very pleased with how it turned out after making some adjustments to the recipe he sent me. This is a really easy recipe for a date night in or if you want to try a European dish; but don’t want to make something too adventurous. 


Ingredients that you need (I found these all at my local Kroger):

  • 2 Puff Pastry sheets

  • ⅓ or ½ Red onion (Depends on your preference)

  • Creme Fraiche 

  • 1 pound of Bacon

  • 4 tablespoons of Butter

  • 1 ½ to 2 cups of shredded gouda (I would recommend a younger version or something that you know melts well. I used both a smoked gouda and an aged version. I love Old Amsterdam gouda and put it on everything. So good!)

  • Salt 

  • Pepper


  • Since puff pastry is typically frozen, pull that out to sit on the counter first. It makes it easier to stretch it out on your pan later if it isn’t frozen solid (Ask me how I know that)

  • Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.

  • Spray some nonstick cooking spray to prevent the puff pastry from sticking to the pan when it bakes.

  • Next melt enough butter in a skillet to begin caramelizing the red onion. I would say a couple of tablespoons of butter.

  • While the butter is melting, dice your red onion up and throw it into the skillet. Salt and pepper to taste.

  • While the onion begins to cook down, dice up your bacon and the trick is to put that with the onion and butter. Feel free to add more butter if needed. No reason to have anything burn.

  • Depending on how thick of bacon cut that you got, it may take a while for the bacon to cook down (5 minutes or so). As the bacon and onions are cooking and mingling their delicious flavors, get the puff pastry out of its box and stretch is out to your pan’s size and shape.

  • Next, you will need to sauce the puff pastry with the creme fraiche. Get it pretty well coated. It will balance out the bacon and onion nicely.   

  • Once the bacon and onions are cooked to how you like them, turn off the heat and spoon them over the creme fraiche. Cover as much of the area as you can.

  • Next, top the puff pastry with your favorite shredded gouda across the entire surface with as much cheese to your heart’s content. 

  • Once that is finished, place it in the oven to bake for about 12 to 14 minutes. I rotated mine about halfway through and checked to make sure the cheese was completely melted prior to pulling it out of the oven. 

  • Cool for a few minutes and then slice it up to serve. 


I hope you love this as much as I do. I would say you could do either a Shinerbock beer with it or a nice red wine like a Cabernet Sauvignon to balance out the bacon and caramelized onion flavor. I’ve had both with flammenkuchen and it is great either way. 

Bon Appetit,


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