International Travel Carry On Packing List after COVID-19
Hello loves!
I don’t know about y’all; but after the year 2020 has been, I am itching to do some international travel especially now that the COVID-19 vaccines are availble for those who want to take it. I usually travel multiple times a year and internationally at least once a year so I really struggled in 2020 not being able to go anywhere.
That is not the case for 2021. Yay! I already have trips to go to Ireland and Atlanta in July so I will get some of that travel itch out and start my countdown to my travels. Part of my favorite pre-trip part is the planning and what I will bringing with me on the plane. I don’t like having all of my clothes packed in a carry on so I usually check one suitcase. I try to be somewhat glamorous during travel and me hauling a heavy smally suitcase sweating is the worst. Trust me. I’m also always on the hunt for the perfect travel bag/purse; but I still haven’t found my perfect bag - yet.
Here is what I’m taking along on my adventures this summer.
COVID-19 vaccine
Valid passport
Get signed up for Global Entry
Reusable water bottle/cup with a straw
Masks, masks, masks
Hand sanitizer
Travel sized clorox wipes
Sunblock stick (for those who get sunburnt easily)
Charging phone case (W stepped on my last one and broke it so I need a new one)
Tablet/iPad (Entertainment - audio books, movies, books)
Headphones (I have noise cancelling airpods which are amazing)
Tote bag/purse
Guide book (bookmarked with every place you want to check out)
Journal (For those who like to write or have a daily journaling practice)
Snacks (I love the Luna Lemon Zest bars and its cheaper to pick them up at the grocery store and not the airport)
Rollerball perfume (I currently have Caroline Herrara’s Good Girl; but will get the Chanel Mademoiselle one for my trips)
Tinted moisturizer (I use La Mer’s and it helps me feel more put together as well as not super dry skin)
Tinted lipbalm or lip gloss
Plug Adapter (To be able to charge your devices)